  pick random two digit number,, add the two digits of your number together and subtract them from your original number,, find the symbol that corresponds to your number & which one you have picked it will show that symbol . . .  
  it can read your mind ,, write down a 3 or 4 digit number,, jumble up all the digits in your number to make another number ,, and now that you have two numbers ,, subtract the smaller number from the larger one . . .  
  fly_ maze    
  use the up down & left right key to control the fly . find the key & try to open the door . (not completed)  
  use the up down & left right key to control the helicopter . & try to destroy the tanks . (not completed)  
  a simple cricket game ,, press the space ,, u can see 2/3 spot on the pitch.u have to pick the spot where the ball could pith n click the arrow to where u want to ply the ball ,, better timing better rusult , , , (not completed)